Sunday, December 14, 2008

Charlie's Christmas Photo Session

Finally I took some pictures of Charlie. He liked the peppermint stick! But not for long- way too messy and I'm sure not good for a cat.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Picture of Charlie

Well the good news is I remeber how to add a picture of Charlie. The bad news is I don't have one on my computer or on Ms. Verner's computer. So the next step is to get the camera out and take a few new shots!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


The kids always ask me about my pets. Here is a funny shot of my dog Henry. He is a yorkshire terrier. I also have one black cat nameed Charlie. I will post his picture in a few days as a practice to see if I remember how to do it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We learned about skype today after school. It was COOL. We will be able to talk to people all over the place. We also learned that we can talk to people right here in our school system. It seems like the next generation of instant messaging. Perhaps I'll be skyping with my family soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today I am thinking about all the first graders. We are practicing for our Thanksgiving play. We will present our play to the parents on Tuedsay November 25th at 1:00pm. This is a fun time of year and all the first grade teachers finally get to know the other children in first grade. Perhaps I'll try and post some of our poems and songs. We are happy and busy!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Its been 24 hours or so since we had our day long staff development including how to create a blog. At first I felt old and behind. Now that I've had a little time to think about it. It may be pretty cool. I'm looking forward to showing the blog to my class and letting them become a part of it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Welcome To My Blog

This is my first attempt to blog. I will be learning more each month. Wish me luck.